Kalyxian Culture
Triple H
Physically + Mentally

First H in Kalyx Consultants goes to HEALTHY as we believe that no ones can step forward for long term without having the fundamental qualification, which is healthy.
Hence, the founder of the company, Shirlyn Lim always emphasize on the importance of healthy


HUMANITY play a very important role in the company, especially professional firm like us.
Accountant are required to act based on the code of ethic that set under the accountant rules and regulation.
We blend this culture into our daily working environment so that it can go into our Kalyxian subconscious mind.


The key to achieving customer HAPPINESS as in customers who want to do business with you again and again, is to focus on employee HAPPINESS first.
We focus significantly on developing Kalyxian HAPPINESS from different aspects, such as training and development, fun work environment, rewards & recognition

Triple L
Lifelong Learning

Kalyx Consultants recognize human capital as the most important resource of our Company. Hence, we develop our people continuously to ensure they are well equipped with latest regulatory changes by attending offside training as well as in-house training like Kalyx Development Series, Continuous Professional Development Programme (CPDP), D.I.S.C Training and IPAC.
We also create a platform for Kalyxian to train their public speaking skills by giving 5 minute speech - Kalyx Motivation Sharing, Kalyx Experience Enrichment, Kalyx English Sharing and Kalyx Creative Maker.
We provide Kalyxian 0% Interest Education Loan who wish to further their study with minimal worry on financial burden so that Kalyxian able to focus on their journey & achieve their dream with this program provided.

Triple S
Six Star Services

Smile, Greeting, Body Gesture & Seating Position
Professional Appearance
Punctual & Good Preparation
Understand & Solve Client's Needs (Be Flexible)
Effective Communication
Always “WOW” your clients